El Centro Keskie

Production Supervisor

Requirements: Proven experience as Production Supervisor or similar role Experience in using various types of manufacturing machinery and tools Organizational and leadership abilities Self-motivated with a results-driven approach Problem-solving skills Able to work longer hours with prolonged period of standing. Must willing to work on weekends/PH occasionally Responsibilities: Set daily/weekly/monthly objectives and communicate them to …

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Production Operator x 3 Job Openings

We welcome suitable candidate(s) to apply the job openings of Production Operators. Kindly refer to the job description and requirements below: To perform and fulfill daily production planning capacity (food manufacturing/food processing) as per Team Leader’s instruction. To observe and practice strictly on the plant sanitation and cleaning procedures at all times especially during the …

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mapo tofu spicy asian malaysia


麻婆豆腐 材料:豆腐1块、猪肉100克、油适量、葱1段、姜2片、大蒜2瓣、花椒适量、豆瓣酱1汤匙 做法: 准备好所需材料,豆腐用水冲一下。将豆腐先切成片,再切成小块。 将猪肉切成末,葱切葱花,姜切末,大蒜切。 锅加油烧热,下入花椒小火炸至微焦,将花椒捞出不用。 下入猪肉末炒,小火将肉末炒至颜色发白。 将肉末拨至一边,下入豆瓣酱,小火炒出红油,炒出酱香味,豆瓣酱要用小火炒制,用大火容易炒焦,要把豆瓣酱炒熟,味道才香。 淋入适量水淀粉勾芡,大火加热至汤汁变得粘稠,关火,盛出装盘,撒上葱末即可。 MAPO TOFU Ingredients: 1 piece of tofu, 100 grams of pork, appropriate amount of oil, 1 section of onion, 2 slices of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, appropriate amount of pepper, 1 tablespoon of bean paste Cooking: Prepare the required materials, rinse the tofu with water. …

MAPO TOFU 麻婆豆腐 Read More »