soy bean paste soup miso 味噌汤



  • 6 杯水
  • 1 大块昆布(约 4 英寸)
  • 1/2 鲣鱼片
  • 1/4 杯白味噌
  • 4 oz.enoki 蘑菇(可选)
  • 4 盎司丝豆腐,切成 1/2 英寸的方块
  • 1/4 c. 葱片,用于装饰


  1. 做大石:在一个大锅里用中火加热,把水和昆布煮沸。 水开始沸腾后立即取出昆布。 加入鲣鱼片,煮沸,煮5分钟。 关火,让鲣鱼浸泡 15 分钟,然后滤出鲣鱼片。
  2. 把大石放回炉子里,用中火炖。 加入味噌搅拌至溶解,然后加入蘑菇。 加入豆腐,煮2分钟。 不要煮沸。
  3. 用葱装饰即可食用。



  • 6 c. water
  • 1 large piece kombu (about 4″)
  • 1/2 c. bonito flakes
  • 1/4 c. white miso
  • 4 oz. enoki mushrooms (optional)
  • 4 oz. silken tofu, cut into 1/2″ cubes
  • 1/4 c. sliced scallions, for garnish


  1. Make dashi: In a large pot over medium heat, bring water and kombu to a simmer. Remove kombu as soon as the water starts to simmer. Stir in bonito flakes and bring to boil, let boil 5 minutes. Turn off heat and let bonito steep for 15 minutes then strain out bonito flakes.
  2. Return dashi to stove and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Whisk in miso until dissolved then add mushrooms. Add tofu and simmer 2 minutes. Do not boil.
  3. Garnish with scallions to serve.